President’s Message

WELCOME to the Greater Baltimore chapter of the National Association of African Americans in Human Resources! NAAAHR (pronounced “N-Triple A HR”) is an organization committed to providing a forum where African-American Human Resources professionals network and share best practices, employment and educational opportunities that support our careers and profession. NAAAHR Greater Baltimore is strategically positioned to impact HR, and influence HR supported areas throughout the Delaware, Maryland and Virginia area (DMV).  Aligned with NAAAHR’s national agenda, our goal is to develop networking partnerships with local businesses and associations; continue our leadership series with several distinguished Baltimore African-American organizations; provide HR services to community based organizations and present our notable HR Industry series as a part of the chapter’s HR-focused monthly meeting topics (the 3rd Thursday).  

Follow and learn more about us at, on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.  We look forward to being the premier HR organization serving diverse HR professionals, partners, and you!